ECE STEAM project publications (2021-2024)

1.      Liang, Y., Hu, X., Yelland, N., & Gao, M. (Accepted). Using Technologies to Spatialize STEM Learning by Co-creating Symbols with Young Children. Education Sciences (Rank B) 
2.      Capio, C. M., Cheung, S. K., Fung, S. S. W., & Hu, X. (2024). Integrating Fundamental Movement Skills and Mathematics in Early Childhood: A Pilot Study. Children, 11(4), 457. (Rank B) 
3.      Hu, X., Fang, Y., & Liang, Y. (2024). Roles and Effect of Digital Technology on Young Children’s STEM Education: A Scoping Review of Empirical Studies. Education Sciences, 14(4), 357. (Rank B) 
4.      Hu, X., Chiu, M. M., Yelland, N., & Liang, Y. (2023). Scaffolding young children's computational thinking with teacher talk in a technology-mediated classroom. Early Childhood Research Quarterly65, 81-91.   
5.      Hu, X., Chiu, M. M., Leung, W. M. V., & Yelland, N. (2021). Technology integration for young children during COVID-19: Towards future online teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52, 1513-1537. (Rank A*) 
6.      Hu. X. (2021). Developing STEM toolkits for young children to improve spatial skills. Journal of Education and Human Development, 10 (1), 24-34. (Rank B) 
7.      Leung, W. M. V. (2023). STEM Education in Early Years: Challenges and Opportunities in Changing Teachers’ Pedagogical Strategies. Education Sciences, 13(5), 490.
8.      Yang, W., Hu, X., Yeter, I. H., Su, J., Yang, Y., & Lee, J. C. K. (2024). Artificial intelligence education for young children: A case study of technology-enhanced embodied learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 40(2), 465-477. (Rank A*) 
9.      Salas-Pilco, S. Z., Xiao, K. & Hu, X. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Learning Analytics in Teacher Education: A Systematic Review. Education Sciences,12(8), 569. https:// (Rank B)  

Book chapter 
1.      Hu, X., Liang, Y., Gao, M., Lee, C. K. J. & Leung, W. M. V. (in press). Early STEM education glocalisation: Connecting the context of nature in Hong Kong kindergartens. In A. Bautista (Ed.), Culturally Situated Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education through Glocalization: Critical Perspectives on Research and Practice from Hong Kong. Springer.
2.      Hu, X., Yelland, N., Leung,W. M. V., Liang, Y., Sun, C., & Graham, C. R. (2024). Integrating digital technologies during COVID-19 kindergarten suspension period in Hong Kong. In I. R. Berson, W. Luo, M. J. Berson, & C. Dong (Eds.), Digital technologies and early childhood in China: Policy and practice (pp. 61-80). Information Age Publishing Inc. 

1.      Hu, X., Wen, Y. A., & Leung, W. M. V. (2024, December 13). ECE STEAM: Connecting Nature and Culture in Kindergartens [Conference presentation]. Learning & Teaching Expo 2024, Hong Kong. 
2.      Hu, X., Yeung, K. Y, & Cheng, Y. L. (2024, June 1). Connecting young children with nature: experiential ecosystem learning models and teacher professional development [Conference presentation]. Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) 2024, Hong Kong. 
3.      Hu, X., & Liang, Y. (2023, May 17-19). Scaffolding Young Children’s Computational Thinking in a Technology-mediated Classroom [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness 2023, Hong Kong. 4.      Hu, X. (2023, December 15). STEAM Learning in Early Years: Transformative Pedagogy [Conference presentation]. Learning & Teaching Expo 2023, Hong Kong. 
5.      Hu, X. (2023, November 19). Early Childhood Education Innovation Cases: Early STEM and Maker [Conference presentation]. The 6th China Education Innovation Expo, Zhuhai, China. 
6.      Hu, X. (2022, September 2). Flexible Learning Spaces for Early Childhood Education: Exploring Future Learning [Conference presentation]. Learning & Teaching Expo 2022, Hong Kong.  
7.      Hu, X. (2022, October 17). Hong Kong’s experiences and approaches to ECE curriculum design and pedagogy [Conference presentation]. World Bank Education Team (Hanoi), Hanoi, Vietnam. 
8.      Gao, M., Hu, X., & Liang, Y. (2024, November). Unpacking sensemaking processes with technology: Engaging children in the collaborative STEM learning journey. [Paper presentation]. Global Alliance of Educational Leaders and Department Heads (GAELDH) GAELDH 2024 Conference. Hong Kong, China. 
9.      Gao, M., & Hu, X. (2024, November). From Screen to Scene: Technology-Enhanced Nature Discoveries in Early STEM. [Paper presentation]. The 9th Sino-Finnish Joint Learning Innovation Institute (JoLII) 2024 Conference: Education in the Digital Era: Bridging Research and Practices. Shenzhen, China. 
10.  Leung, W. M. V. , Hu, X., Sun, J., Lam, W. M., & Lee, H. M. (2022, November 25). Early Childhood Education STEM and Maker Education – Nurturing Explorer [Conference presentation]. Symposium on the implementation of STEM and AI in schools: Mainland China and Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 
11.  Liang, Y., Hu, X., & Gao, M. (2024, June 1). Redefining STEM learning culture in an Asian context: Co-creating STEM knowledge in early childhood education [Conference presentation]. Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (CRECE) 2024, Hong Kong.   

Chinese Book 
1.      胡馨允、楊嘉儀與鄭婉玲(2023):《大自然教育:生態大發現》,香港,香港教育大學幼兒發展中心。 楊嘉儀、黃世澤與胡馨允(2023):《ECLC生物多樣性》,香港,香港教育大學幼兒發展中心。 
2.  楊嘉儀、黃世澤與胡馨允(2023):《ECLC生物多樣性》,香港,香港教育大學幼兒發展中心。