Project Team
出版著作有《香港中、小學課外活動資料冊2003》、《學生活動風險評估與管理》、《課外活動:探究與管理— 香港課外活動主任協會20週年文集》(合編)、《香港學校課外活動發展史》(合編)等。
加盟教大前,趙教授曾任香港中文大學(中大)社會學系教授兼香港亞太研究所聯席所長。趙教授在香港大學取得學士及哲學碩士學位,並於美國普林斯頓大學獲碩士及博士學位。 趙教授就任中大時擔任多個行政角色,包括社會科學學院副院長、社會學系副系主任及校級研究中心總監,盡顯其學術領導風範。
霍秉坤博士現職香港教育大學課程與教學學系客座助理教授。香港中文大學文學士、教育碩士、哲學博士。研究範圍包括課程政策、課程設計與實施、教科書設計及使用等。近年,參與「香港中學文憑試通識教育科考試答卷分析︰思考能力的呈現」、「學習中國歷史科模式對學生學習成效的影響」及「PSHE的核心學習成果︰教師的視角」。出任多個教育局核下委員會,如課程發展議會 — 香港考試及評核局通識教育科委員﹙2019-2023﹚、課程發展議會 — 香港考試及評核局公民及社會發展科委員﹙2021-2023﹚。
麥耀光博士/校長 |
羅浩源博士,畢業於英國東英吉利亞大學 (University of East Anglia),獲得哲學博士。曾任教於香港中文大學課程與教育學系多年,教授「行動研究」、「數學教育」等課程。曾任數學教育碩士課程總監及教育學士(數學及數學教育雙主修課程)課程主任,多年來致力推動行動研究和教師教育中的專業成長。在2015年,創立「優化行動研究學舍」推廣相關的教育服務。
吳潔容校長為仁愛堂田家炳中學榮休校長,於學校管理、學生培育及德育發展具深厚實踐經驗。多年來擔任田家炳基金會屬下多個發展委員會的委員,及歷任課程發展議會學習資源及支援委員會主席和委員,並參與其他與品德教育的公職,長期熱心推動教育發展,尤其在學生支援範疇貢獻良多。 |
林日豐校長 |
林日豐校長現任為香港教育大學「賽馬會鼓掌‧創你程計劃」(CLAP for Youth @JC2.0)生涯發展計劃學人、香港能仁專上學院客座副教授、香港教育大學兼任講師、香港浸會大學客席導師及獅子會中學校務顧問等。林校長於1998年出任獅子會中學校長至2020年,共22年。曾任香港津貼中學議會主席;香港考試及評核局委員會委員;教育統籌委員會委員;優質教育基金評審員會委員;校董會課程導師;擬任校長課程導師;擬任校長行動研究指導員;新任校長導師;首席學位教席課程導師;高級學位教席課程導師及賽馬會鼓掌創你程(CLAP for Youth @JC1.0)諮詢委員會委員等。
黃秀冰校長 |
Project Team
Professor LUI, Tai Lok |
Professor LUI Tai Lok is the Chair Professor of Hong Kong Studies, Director of the Academy of Hong Kong Studies, Acting Director of the Centre for Governance and Citizenship, Director of the Centre for Greater China Studies, at The Education University of Hong Kong.
Prior to joining the University (the then Hong Kong Institute of Education), he was Professor at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) where he also took up the position of Associate Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences (2010-2011) and the headship of the Department of Sociology (2011-2014). He has taught at Hong Kong City Polytechnic (1986-88) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (1988-2009). Professor LUI obtained his B.A. and M.Phil. in Sociology at the HKU and then a Master of Philosophy and a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford University.
Professor LUI has widely researched and published in topics including class analysis, economic sociology, urban sociology, and Hong Kong society. He also actively contributes to the Hong Kong community by serving on various committees in governmental and professional bodies as well as those related to social services over the years.
Areas of Expertise:
Pr TAI, Hay Lap |
Principal TAI Hay Lap was graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and served as the Principal of Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School until 2013. He was appointed as Chairman or member on Boards and Committees such as Education Commission, Board of Education, Quality Education Fund, Culture and Heritage Commission, Council for Sustainable Development and University Grant Committee.
He was awarded Justice of the Peace and Bronze Bauhinia Star by the Government. He was also appointed as member of CPPCC (The National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) till present. He has awarded Honorary Fellowship by the Education University of Hong Kong. He is now serving as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tin Ka Ping Foundation. He served as Special Advisor to the President in the Education University of Hong Kong since 2013 for 10 years.
Areas of Expertise:
Dr/Pr TSANG, Wing Hong |
Dr TSANG Wing Hong has been awarded the Doctor of Education degree at University of Leicester, UK. During his period of more than 40 years teaching career, he served 12 years as the Principal of Chiu Chow Association Secondary School, 16 years as the Activities in another school. He has been involved in teacher education for more than 25 years.
Since 1995, Dr TSANG has been serving part-time in various Hong Kong and Macau universities and the Education Bureau for school senior and middle management training, teacher and school manager education and development. Dr TSANG established the Master of Arts programme in Student Activities in Education at CUHK in 2015. In the recent 20 years, he has been the Programme Director / Coordinator of the CUHK Professional Diploma programme in Management of Extracurricular Activities in Primary and Secondary Schools. He had been the Chairman of the Hong Kong Extracurricular Activities Masters’ Association and is now the advisor of the Association. He is now the Chairman of the Quality Assurance Committee of the Leadership Training Institute of the Scout Association of Hong Kong, and also the external examiner of the Certificate Programme of the Vocational and Professional Education Training (VPET) for teachers by Vocational Training Council (VTC). He is now the External Advisor of a QESS Project of VTC too. He was also appointed the member of the Task Force for Promotion of Vocational and Professional Education and Training of HKSAR during the period from 2018 to 2020. Dr TSANG is also the School Professional Development Programme Advisor of the CLAP@JC.
Areas of Expertise:
Major publications:《香港中、小學課外活動資料冊2003》;《學生活動風險評估與管理》;《課外活動:探究與管理 — 香港課外活動主任協會20週年文集》(合編);《香港學校課外活動發展史》(合編)。
Prof CHIU, Wing-kai Stephen |
Professor Stephen CHIU is currently the Chair Professor of Sociology, Associate Dean (International Engagement) in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, and the Co-Director of The Academy of Hong Kong Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining The Education University of Hong Kong, Professor Chiu was Professor in the Department of Sociology and Co-Director of the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Professor Chiu obtained his Bachelor and MPhil degrees at The University of Hong Kong, and his Master and Doctorate degrees from Princeton University.
Professor CHIU’s academic leadership is evidenced by the administrative roles that he took on during his stay with The CUHK, including Associate Dean in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Deputy Department Chair of the Department of Sociology, and Director of a University level research centre. He is active in professional and community service. His public service records include serving as Part-time Member of the Central Policy Unit and member of HKSAR Government’s Commission on Strategic Development and the Task Force on Education, Employment and Training under the Commission on Poverty. Between 2009 and 2017, he had also been the Chair of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Liberal Studies (Senior Secondary) responsible for the design and revision of the subject’s curriculum. In the civil society, he also served as the Chair of the Asia Monitor Resources Centre that championed labour rights in the Asian region for over 10 years since the 1990s.
Areas of Expertise:
Professor CHIU is a prolific researcher, experienced academic administrator and an enthusiastic teacher. He has produced voluminous publications containing co-authored books, book chapters, monographs and refereed journal articles.He has secured substantial externally funded competitive grants and attracted a number of commissioned projects funded by, among others, Central Policy Unit and Education Bureau. He developed a number of new courses and was one of the pioneers who adopted e-learning in the early 1990s.
Dr FOK Ping Kwan
Dr FOK Ping Kwan is an adjunct assistant professor of Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The Education University of Hong Kong. He was granted bachelor of arts, master of education and doctor of philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests are in curriculum policy, curriculum design and implementation, textbook design and usage. In recent years, he has participated in major research projects such as “thinking skills as observed from the HKDSE examination scripts”, “ impact study on students’ learning of Chinese History elements through different curriculum modes”, and “teachers’ view of essential learning outcomes in PSHE”. He also serves as member of CDC-HKEAA Committee on Liberal Studies (Curriculum Development Council) (2019-2023) and CDC-HKEAA Committee on Citizenship and Social Development (Curriculum Development Council) (2021-2023).
Areas of Expertise:
Dr/Pr MAK Yiu Kwong
Dr MAK Yiu Kwong has joined the field of education for more than 35 years. Throughout the years, he got experience in various types of schools, including private, subsidized, pre-vocational and direct subsidized scheme school. In the year 2008, he took up the principalship of a subsided school. Since 1996, in his spare time, he has also contributed to the staff development in various universities. The developmental courses and training programs for teachers and principals are not only for secondary sector, but also for primary and early childhood aspects. Besides, he has also written educational articles in the newspaper column for 11 years.
Areas of Expertise:
Pr HON, Hau Sut
Principal HON Hau Sut is a Research Fellow of the Hong Kong Policy Research Institute, Former Principal of TWGH Wong Fut Nam College, Education Services Secretary of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Principal Curriculum Officer of the Curriculum Development Institute, School Development Officer of Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Part-time Lecturer of Faculty of Education of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Areas of Expertise:
Pr LEUNG Kam Chiu
Principal LEUNG Kam Chiu was an experienced secondary school Vice-principal. He had been a member of the School Management Initiatives Advisory Committee of Education Department, the Honourary School Development Officer of the Quality School Improvement Project of CUHK, the Expedition Instructor HKAYP, and a Uniform Group Instructor.
Areas of Expertise:
Dr LAW, Huk Yuen
Dr LAW Huk Yuen is an independent scholar and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He held the positions of MSc Programme Director in Mathematics Education and B.Ed., Programme Coordinator in Mathematics and Mathematics Education until his official retirement from CUHK in 2015. He gained his PhD in education in 2009 at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK). He is the founder and Director of U.L.T.R.A. Academy since 2015 for providing consultant service to the educational community especially in the area of supporting teacher professional growth.
Areas of Expertise:
Publications include: ‘Mathematics in Daily Life’ (in Chinese) (1997), ‘Think How to Teach and Think How to Learn: Reflecting on 13 Mathematics Education Lessons Through the Landscape of Reflective Dialogues’ (in Chinese) (2015).
Pr LEE, Chi Shing
Principal LEE Chi Shing has been awarded various educational awards, e.g. the 2nd “Not One Student Less” Award Scheme, the 1st “Good students, Good teachers” Award Scheme, and also the 1st “Award for Educational Administrator Excellence” Scheme.
Principal LEE is appreciated by EDB and others for his successful experience in carrying out school reforms and self-improvement in two schools. He is always invited to share the successful experiences in the education sector.
Areas of Expertise:
Pr NG Kit Yung
Principal NG Kit Yung is a seasoned education professional and former secondary school principal with extensive practical experience in school management, student development, and moral education. Over the years, she has served as a committee member of various development committees under the Tin Ka Ping Foundation, as well as chairperson and member of Learning Resources and Support Services Committee under the Curriculum Development Council. She has also been involved in other public roles related to moral education, demonstrating a long-standing commitment to promoting educational development. Her contributions, particularly in the area of student support, are significant.
Areas of Expertise:
Pr LAM Yat Fung
Principal James LAM Yat-fung is now serving as the EdUHK CLAP for Youth @JC2.0 Careers and Life Development Project Fellow, Hong Kong Nang Yan College Adjunct Associate Professor, Hong Kong Education University part-time Guest Lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist University part-time Guest Speaker and Advisor of Lions College. He was a Principal of Lions College since 1998 and retired at year of 2020. He also served various community services such as Chairman of Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary School Council;Council Member of Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority; Member of Education Commission, Member of Quality Education Fund Assessment Committee;Instructor for IMC Course; Instructor for Aspiring Principals;Mentor of Aspiring Principals in action research, Mentor of Newly Appointed Principal;Instructor in “Educational Administration and Management Course for Senior School Administrators in Secondary Schools” and Member of Advisory Committee of CLAP for Youth @JC1.0 etc.
Areas of Expertise:
Pr WONG Sau Ping
Principal Wong Sau Ping was a graduate of the University of Hong Kong, majoring in Engliah Language and Literature. She also got her Master of Arts in Translation at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She served in the local education field for nearly 40 years, having taken up posts as English Panel Chair, Vice Principal in charge of Student Support and School Ethos and Principal. She had passion in implementing school-based curriculum, refining the school administration and management system as well as cultivating the professional development spirit on the part of the teachers.
Areas of Expertise: